Company Description

VELAN EYE HOSPITAL was started in the year 1974. It was the vision of one man – Dr.K,K, Velusamy - that transformed what was once a modest eye clinic to what is today. VELAN EYE HOSPITAL is a State - of - the - art eye care center providing comprehensive and quality eye care to all patients irrespective of caste, creed and economic background.

For the past 36years VELAN EYE HOSPITAL with its team of Doctors under the experienced guidance of Dr.K,K, Velusamy has been working to provide Yeoman services to the community. VELAN EYE HOSPITAL has grown from strength to strength over the past 36 years not only expanding its floor space but also expanding its services to emerge as a tertiary eye care hospital. Our motto is to deliver Quality eye care,Yeomen Service with Efficient Administration in our mission. VELAN EYE HOSPITAL is exceptional because of its quality of service and caliber of Doctors, Expert diagnostic ability, access to latest equipments and above all a patient friendly environment.

Blindness has been recognized as an important public health problem in India. Cataract has been documented to be the most significant cause of bilateral blindness in India where vision < 20/200 in the better eye on presentation is defined as blindness. In India cataract has been reported to be responsible for 50-80% of the bilaterally blind in the country.The problem of avoidable blindness rapidly escalating remained a major cause of concern in the Indian healthcare scenario.

In a developing country the government alone cannot meet the health needs of all owing to a number of challenges like growing population, inadequate infrastructure, low per capita income, aging population, diseases in epidemic proportions and illiteracy.

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