Company Description

Back in early 2000s I was heading a web product company, where we created a couple of large web financial communities; infact, some of them were the largest communities in their industry. We experimented, innovated and got the websites ranking in 2004 (in top 10 for some very important keywords). From 2004 till this time, those sites are ranking in top 3, helping the company make a few millions every year.

Later on, I decided to move to the service industry to help clients replicate the same thing. I joined another large agency to head their digital marketing wing. I worked day and night to create the difference but somehow it did not happen. I was not happy the way we were treating the clients. I was not happy the way we were working for the clients. I also started coding a project management system myself which can performing rank checking + other digi-marketing stuff. 1 year, nothing worked and one day, the company closed the department. It gave me a chance to do what I wanted to do for the agency, create a world class digital marketing company. I was running a newsletter called “SEO for clients” which was to help the clients understand digital marketing field better ( basically an education series). Prabhanjan (our co-founder) came along to create a world class digital marketing platform and a company. Then more and more people joined in and now we are great team of over 300 members.  – Aji Issac Mathew (CEO + Co-founder, TechShu).

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