Company Description

Snaxsmart is your health food vending companion at work. Our objective is to help workplaces promote good health amongst its employees with healthy snacks and drinks. Coming at a day and age where health is not given its due importance, Snaxsmart is your HEALTH FRIEND when you need.

Vending machines are often common sources of sugary drinks, junk food and fat laden cookies and cakes. And Snaxsmart strives to make a difference here. The concept took its birth because one corporate professional, tired of the ways of eating at work, proposed to healthy access to health foods.

Snaxsmart makes healthy foods available in its vending machines, not too far away from your work bay. We understand that the human palate requires variety and taste. Hence our vending machines stock cereal bars, multi-grain cookies, dry fruits, dark chocolate, fruit juices, oats and cornflakes, buttermilk, soya milk and sports drinks.

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