Company Description

Our Singapore and India offices are designed to encourage easy team interactions.

We care for each employee. Monthly health checkups are mandatory at office premises. We celebrate every festival. We play colours on Holi, make rangolis and fire crackers on Diwali, burn Ravan on Dusshera, play daandiya on Navratri, and have bonfire party on New Year. Spardha, an indoor sports meet was held recently to boost team spirit and also proved to be an excellent stress buster. We go for regular outdoor trips for team building, sponsored by the company. It includes our recent trips to Jaipur, Nainital, Mussoorie, Banaras, Manali and Singapore. Above all, road trip on bikes to Leh and Ladakh was a milestone.

We celebrate our Anniversary every year. Award function, dance and singing performances are part of the celebration. We organize conclaves and seminars to encourage quality and enhance skills. Singsys organize Quality Conclave with motto to motivate our employees to continue with Quality outputs and respect their contribution along with team spirit.

On-site overseas trips to Singapore are part of our culture. Lunch and snacks are served on-board for our employees. Birthday and Year completion celebration are some of the part of our work culture. We organize these events on monthly basis to boost the confidence of the rising newcomers which help them to flourish further. We have ‘Shining Star of Singsys’ to portray the employees who perform well. Employee of the year award is given every year and is very prestigious award for us.

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