Company Description

Entry into High Frequency Technology

  • 1967: By processing an order from the bankrupt company Dr. Häberlein, Rosenberger gets into high-frequency technology.
  • 1968: Rosenberger buys and moves into today's company premises in neighboring Fridolfing. The main task now is to structure and organize the growing company.



Large-Scale Production of Miniature Connectors

  • High-frequency technology is developing into the mainstay of sales.
  • The mass production of miniature connectors begins.
  • Rosenberger makes enormous investments in machinery as well as in production and measuring systems.



Entry of the Sons Hans, Peter and Bernhard Rosenberger

  • 1980: Hans Rosenberger junior takes over the management of finances and sales in the high-frequency technology division.
  • 1980: Peter Rosenberger takes over production management.
  • 1985: Bernhard Rosenberger builds up the high-frequency laboratory and expands the area of ​​research and development.
  • 1981: The first international office opens in Denmark. In the coming years, further sales branches, company holdings and the establishment of subsidiaries within Europe will follow.
  • 1985: Rosenberger enters the fiber optic market.



Worldwide Expansion

Rosenberger rises to become one of the world's leading manufacturers of high-frequency coax connectors and establishes subsidiaries around the world:

  • 1996: Rosenberger North America (USA)
  • 1997: Beijing Rosenberger (China), since 2004 Rosenberger Asia Pacific
  • 1999: Rosenberger Sudamérica (Chile)
  • 1999: Rosenberger RF Technology (Singapore)
Map Location