It was under the leadership of Mahesh Agarwal that the Purti Group moved from its key areas towards infrastructure in India. Mahesh Agarwal and his family, have worked relentlessly to ensure the group reaches its full potential and becomes an integral part of the Make in India story; which it has.
Today Purti is proud to present itself as a legacy company. Purti has added to transforming lives and strives to be a key contributor to the economic growth of our state and country. Mahesh Agarwal is a growth-oriented leader and under the guidance of his vision, Purti Realty has earned the market’s trust in the field of hospitality, retail, and residential real estate.
Mahesh Agarwal is a prominent name in the real estate sector and a contributing member of CREDAI. While quietly training the future leaders of Purti Realty, he remains the backbone of the company spearheading us towards the engine of growth and innovation. Mahesh Agarwal has a keen eye for what is driving this ever-growing sector and ensures that Purti Realty's journey remains within the company's tenets.