The journey of Natural Remedies commenced when Mr. Ramlal Agarwal, a renowned expert in identifying and collecting herbs along with his fascination for Ayurveda was inspired to research on how herbs could be used to help in treating animals.
Expanding on what the patriarch had founded as a fledgling unit, his son Mr. R.K. Agarwal established a small-scale R&D facility in Bangalore 20 years later. This small unit in 1998 was rebranded as Natural Remedies by the father and Mr. Anurag Agarwal, his son.
Mr. Anurag Agarwal took over the reins of the business and rose to the challenges of this nascent industry by creating a bigger and better research and development facility, a state of the manufacturing unit and an established presence in 30 plus countries. In 2000, as a natural extension, the company introduced the herbal range of products for human healthcare.