Magna Jetting Systems is a 20 years old company, recognized in the Indian Market for producing, developing and designing of Heavy Duty High Pressure Water Jet Cleaners, High Pressure Hot Water Jet Cleaners, Ultra High Pressure Water Blasters and Industrial Vacuum Cleaners. We manufacture our brand of High Pressure Water Jet equipments at our factory in Navi Mumbai and these products are renowned worldwide for the highest in Quality, Efficiency and reliability.
Mr. AmalKhan A. Khalic, the founder of Magna Jetting Systems initially started as a Contracting Company, undertaking specialized Hydro jetting contracts and later in 2002 ventured in to Sales & After-Sales service of cleaning equipments. As the name suggests, we just do not sell the equipments but we also provide cleaning solutions and systems for adverse cleaning problems with maximum output in less time and with less manpower.