Company Description

ETIL TECHNOLOGY INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is a 9001-2015 and 14001-2015 ISO certified company and also OHSAS 18001 certified. It was founded in the month of September, 2021 as a Private Limited Company through the foresight and vision of the two directors. It was formed as a division of TTT with the directors having identified a large potential market for their products and services. For most of its initial existence, the company intends to utilize the large database and experience of its directors in obtaining orders, with the intention of establishing close relationships with its clients.

Company Ownership

Ketil Technology India is a company incorporated at the Registrar of Companies by the two directors. Though relatively new, the directors realized their company’s vast potential market and opportunity for growth given implementation of the appropriate strategies, aided by the necessary finances. Ketil Technology was established with an estimated amount of Rs. 2,00000 shares distributed at 70:30 ratio amongst the directors.

Start-up Summary

Total start-up expenses covered (including legal costs, logo design, stationery and related expenses including availing important certificates, registration, trademark, advertisement, brochures, media expenditure etc.) came to approximately at a cost of Rs. 15.0 lakh. Start-up assets required and utilized included personal computers, vehicles, office furniture, and other office equipment too.

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