Established in the year 2005, formerly named as Chinnu hospital is a patient centered hospital mainly focused in infertility, Obstetrics, and Gynaecology and Surgeries.
For decades together it is the most trusted multispeciality hospital in Erode for the rural population, which is now going to restart its journey again to heal millions of people as KCS multi speciality hospitals.
“You can build anything and everything from scratch but not health”
True to this fact, the entire KCS team believes that health comes first before anything.
Our Managing Director Dr.Kavitha Chandrasekaran M.D (O&G) F.R.M with her
vast experience along with the Chairman Dr.P.Chandrasekaran M.S works
conscientiously to make International standard of health-care facility accessible and affordable to all sorts of people regardless of their whereabouts.
From health care plans, facilities to the doctors, nurses and the other staff in the hospital, physician practices, our whole work revolves around providing positive patient experience and their health care system.
Our team of consultants are committed to create a safe environment where people can heal and grow at ease.