Company Description

2013, PIMR Indore were the time and place when two contrasting yet complementing personalities met. This is the story of two co-preneurs, who founded Grow and Turn.

The then undergraduates had different qualities which fit together like a lock and key, together which had the potential to unlock the world of tremendous potential. The think tank that she is, Chahat excelled at strategizing, designing frameworks, conducting market researches and presenting their work. On the other hand, the innovative geek Palash had sound technological knowledge and out of the box thinking up his sleeve. Together, they started a journey as friends who were great at what they did were unwilling to stop.

The friendship grew, became stronger and so did their individual skills and the team which went to bring managerial laurels to their institution while they headed core committees and spear-headed on-ground marketing and event management.

While the Indian start-up ecosystem developed, these copreneurs brainstormed to become the square pegs in round roles. Heavily inclined towards entrepreneurship and generating employment, they went separate ways to have a better worldly outlook and understand the corporate world, all while having the start-up dream upright and intact.

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