Company Description

Dr. Jayesh V. Sanghvi M.D. (Hom) is a third-generation celebrity Homoeopathic  physician. The scion of a dynasty of royal physicians from Gujarat, he has over three decades of  experience. He  is based in Chennai as Director of  Dr  Sanghvi’s Nature Clinic,  but has an international clientele.

Tele-consultation is his forte. As much as 25 percent of Dr. Sanghvi’s patients have been treated for  a whole range of  issues, from chronic conditions to deathbed emergencies, without ever having met him.  His clinical research on ‘Memory Enhancement Therapy’ focusing on improving the academic performance of students is a pioneering work. Dr. Sanghvi has also done research into the ability of Homeopathy to help a patient on the deathbed to attain not only a peaceful but a spiritual end, and his  patients consider him  a ‘miracle man’.

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