Company Description

AiR started his life being religious. He built a Shiva temple in 1995. It was his Guru, Dada, JP Vaswani, who compelled him to introspect on the meaning and purpose of life, inspiring him to go on a quest. Subsequently, AiR realized that God lives in the temple of our heart and he changed the name of the temple to Shivoham Shiva temple. Now, he doesn’t pray TO Shiva but prays THROUGH Shiva, to SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power that is nameless and formless, birthless and deathless, the Divine Power that is everywhere, in everything.

AiR’s quest led to his transformation and metamorphosis. AiR realized that he was not who he appeared to be. His name had only been given to him — it was not his true identity. Not the body, mind and ego, AiR realized that he is the Soul, Atman, Spirit; that we are all manifestations of the Divine. He gave up his given name and became AiR – Atman in Ravi. AiR, now, lives as an instrument of God, doing His Divine Will. In his own words:

In order to help him realize his mission, and to reach out to the global community of seekers, AiR has founded the AiR Institute of Realization. He has also established the AiR Centre of Enlightenment, a Spiritual centre, especially for seekers, who are new in their Spiritual journey, eager to learn and
explore Spirituality and evolve on their path towards Enlightenment. Not restricted to seekers of Enlightenment, it also welcomes those who seek joy, peace, happiness.

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